Thursday, March 5, 2009

Warmer weather! I CAN'T WAIT!

I am so excited that the weather is changing! I am very ready for it to be nice out again and today I say my first robin of the year so that is giving me hope! I help my sister with daycare sometimes and it will be so nice to get the kids out side and actually do more exercising other then playing little games in the house and dancing. Sometimes we do an aerobic exercise tape for kids but with the ages we have its a little hard to do! I also think that they will all be in much better moods once we can get out almost everyday again and I know I will feel better and be much more awake. There is so much more to do out there for them and we can walk to the park. Not to mention they sleep better with the fresh air in them! Not only will it be nice for the daycare kids but it will be nice for our very hyper black lab! I feel bad for him in the winter because he really wants to run and play outside but he is a big baby when it gets cold and doesn't like to stay out in it for very long. So now that it is getting warmer we can start taking him to the park again to play with other dogs and to just run around and get that energy out! He will also be able to go swimming again which he loves to do and it is so much fun to watch him do! I am also looking forward to playing softball again this summer! Last year I played four nights a week and two games on Mondays so i was pretty busy. As of right now it looks like I will be pretty much just as busy which is totally ok with me but it kind of depends on if we get foster kids and how many we will have. My husband plays a lot too. Last year he played 5 nights a week twice on Mondays and Fridays sometimes and on some weekends. This year he might not play quit at much during the weekend but I think they are getting into more tournaments on weekends which is ok with me because I was raised at the ball park and love being at the park. It also works out because some of the parks we can take our dog which he loves the attention! It will also be nice for when we have respite kids we can walk to a park from our house or just go play in the back yard! We are also looking forward to maybe taking some of those kids camping which i haven't done in a long time! Oh and then there is swimming one of my favorite things to do! I can't wait to take my niece and nephew swimming a lot again this year. So if you can't tell I am really looking forward to the warm weather but I have a feeling it is going to go WAY to fast!