Thursday, March 12, 2009


Well the past few weeks I have been noticing something a lot lately that just really grosses me out!!! The fact that there are some people out there that don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom! Especially when that person is supposed to be cooking food for others! I think I would just feel dirty if I didn't wash my hands. I mean really it doesn't take that long to put some soap on your hands and scrub them then rinse them off. I was at a bar/restaurant the other night and walked into the bathroom as this other lady walked out off her stall so I moved to the side a little so she could get to the sink but she didn't she just walked out the door. I kind of looked and was like really! I really thought that at least most girls washed their hands. But then when i got done WASHING MY HANDS and went back out I noticed the same lady sitting at the end of the bar and I commented to my husband that she didn't wash her hand and how gross it would be if she was cooking peoples food and little did I know she got up a couple minutes later and went behind the bar to take some french fries out. I was so glad I wasn't eating there and I will not eat there if she is cooking! I guess it's just such a simple thing that I can't believe it is really that hard to do especially if you are cooking other peoples food. Even the kids at the daycare I help out at know how to wash their hands. Even the ones that don't know how to use the pottie yet know how to wash their hands. Sometimes they need to be reminded but they are kids not adults. They know you flush, wash, dry and turn off the light. Another thing that bugs me about bathroom habits is when guys leave the toilet seat up. Really please just put it down. I do respite care and one boy just doesn't get it. We even have one of those seats that if you just start putting it down it will go by itself. And with our respite boy you would think he would realize its so much easier to put it down before you leave the bathroom instead of having to go back in to do it. I don't mean to sound mean about it but both things are really not that had to do and not washing your hands is just gross and can make you or others sick. So please WASH AFTER YOU FLUSH. :)

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