Thursday, April 23, 2009

Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.

Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.
John Lennon (1940 - 1980), "Beautiful Boy"
Well I wasn't sure what to write about this week like most other weeks so I decided to look up some quote and write something about it. As I came upon this quote it really made me think. I think this is very true because it seems like all I have been doing lately is planning for the future and not really getting to enjoy what is going on right now. It seems like I'm always say we better do this in case this happens and planning for the future is very important but so much less enjoyable if you don't just relax a little. Also I find myself planning everything around certain things in my life. One of those things would be starting a family which we have as you know had some trouble doing. But it is the one thing that no matter what i do i find myself saying is this something i really should be doing if we want to start a family. And at this point starting a family is out of our hands it seems. So i think i really need to step back and enjoy the things that ARE happening now and not really focus on the things that might happen down the road. This also leads me into starting softball this summer. I am pretty excited to play because it is the one time i can just play and not have to think about anything else that is going on. I can truly live in the moment. I don't have to worry about not being able to start a family, what bills need to be paid or any of the other grown up stuff i think about everyday. I can just be a kid again for at least an hour.
This quote its just good for myself i think everyone should step back and look at all of the good things they have and not look to the things they want to have down the road. Not that its not good to plan and hope but sometimes you just need to step back and see what you already have in your life. I think if people would start doing this they might lead much happier lives. Which might also make the people around them a little happier too.
So well that is my opinion on this quote....i may have to print it off and hang it someplace i will see it everyday so that i remember to step back and look at the good things i have in my life.

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